Enzo Pellecchia Apps

Il Fatto .Net 2.7
Enzo Pellecchia
Tutte le notizie più interessanti su MolfettaDal 5 dicembre 2007 e ogni quindici giorni di ogni mese (ilprimoed il terzo mercoledì) i molfettesi e chiunque si trovi atransitaredalla nostra città, potranno sfogliare le pagine de “IlFatto”, ilnuovo bisettimanale gratuito edito a Molfetta e che viracconteràfatti, avvenimenti, storie e curiosità mettendo sempre,al centrodel suo lavoro, la professionalità ed il rispetto versoilettori.“Il Fatto” nasce da una idea di Giulio Cosentino, presidentedellaActiva Srl, società editrice di questo nuovo strumentodiinformazione, con l’obiettivo di coinvolgere sempre di piùimolfettesi nella quotidianità della città in cui vivono.Con “Il Fatto” sarà più semplice informarsi,documentarsi,riflettere e discutere: perché “Il Fatto” arriveràdirettamentenelle case dei lettori, nei luoghi di lavoro, nei postidi ritrovoabituale dei molfettesi… insomma dovunque ci sia qualcunodispostoa leggere per conoscere, per capire, per discutere.Il nostro nuovo periodico verrà stampato in 20.000 copieedistribuito gratuitamente in città. Arriverà direttamentenellacassetta postale di tutti i molfettesi e potrà essere trovatoanchein molti locali cittadini.Allthemost interesting news of MolfettaFrom 5 December 2007, and every fifteen days of each month(thefirst and third Wednesday) molfettesi and whoever is intransitfrom our city will be able to browse the pages of "TheFact", thenew free biweekly published in Molfetta and that willtell youabout facts, events, stories and curiosity always puttingat thecenter of his work, professionalism and respect forthereaders."The Fact" was born from an idea of ​​Julius Cosentino, presidentofActiva Srl, the publishing company of this new informationtool,with the aim of involving more and more molfettesi in everydaylifeof the city in which they live.With "The Fact" will be easier to learn, gather information,reflectand discuss why "The Fact" will arrive directly into thehomes ofreaders, in places of work, places of gathering place ofmolfettesi... in short, wherever there is someone willing to readfor to know,to understand, to discuss.Our new magazine will be printed in 20,000 copies anddistributedfree in the city. Coming directly to the mailbox of allmolfettesiand can also be found in many local citizens.
Balloons Pop 1.1
Enzo Pellecchia
The game is to burst as many balloons aspossible in one minute , each ball has a different score is in somecases the points can also be deducted .Test yourself and compare your score with your friends viagoogle play , which of you will be the best ?This application is part of the system of tournaments Dreamevents that will soon be active , work out as much as possible ,given that there will be some nice prizes.
Naval Battle 2.5
Enzo Pellecchia
The unique and original naval battle in3D.You will have the opportunity to play to a review of one of themost classic games, you can challenge the computer in epicbattles.The game introduces some new features, for each battle your degreeand also increases your strength, you will have new weapons ordefenses extra to get better on your enemy.Bring out the strategist who is in you, and the battle begins.Also compatible with the tablet.In next versions:- New weapons and the possibility of Vare boxes that must be hitseveral times.- Multiplayer to play against their friends.
Eurodomus 1.7
Enzo Pellecchia
Eurodomus creates a point of contactbetweenjobseekers and offers a holiday apartment for rent that isforsale.If you are a traveler looking for accommodation start yoursearchimmediately, are ready to spend hundreds of ads for acustomizedholiday for you.With this app, you can have all the information you need tofindyour ideal home.features:- Search by Type, State, Region and province- Photos of the house- List of accessories such as: air-conditioning, satellite,cribsand more ...- Ability to contact the owner via email, telephoneandcellular- Displaying the location on Google Maps- Ability to enable Google Navigator to get the pathinformationDesigned in collaboration with www.eurodomus.org
Video Library - English 3.5
Enzo Pellecchia
Are you a film buff?You have difficulty keeping track of all your movies on FILES,DVDand Blu-ray?Organize your movies with you and portals. With this applicationyoucan enter detailed files of your movies, you can search thefilm bythem by category, title etc..You have the ability to insert the film simply searching by titleoffilm. The application will complete the card and cover of thefilm,pick the information by specialized sites.You can manage your own personal wish list.Features:- Autocomplete film info- Wish list- Find film by category and title- Backup & Restore on SD Card- Auto find trailer on YouTube- Search by barcode films- Added section loans, which provides the following features:- Insertion registry users / customers- Manage inventory- Keeps track of the movies provided- Management of falls- Possibility to contact directly from the late- Online auctions, betaLanguage: English, Italian, corean
Hanoi tower - donut free 1.6
Enzo Pellecchia
The best Hanoi game for your smartphoneortablet!Try your hand at solving the riddle of The Tower of Hanoi withanincreasing number of discs.Consider yourself a master of this game?Take up a challenge of building the tower with two mode:Zen mode - For a relaxing game.TimeAttack Mode - For a action game.Select your game mode and solve the tower riddle by making asfewmoves as possible in the shortest time possible.
Il gioco dell'impiccato 2.9
Enzo Pellecchia
Intuizione e buona conoscenza delvocabolarioitaliano sono le chiavi vincenti per impedire a John diessereimpiccato!Mettiti alla prova e confronta il tuo punteggio con i tuoi amiciecon tutto il mondo, scala le classifiche per essere il migliore.Quante parole riuscirai ad indovinare?Oltre 1700 parole disponibiliDisponibile in Italiano, Inglese, Francese e TedescoIntuition andgoodknowledge of Italian vocabulary are the keys to winning inorder toprevent John from being hanged!Test your skills and compare your score with your friends andwiththe whole world, through the ranks to be the best.Be able to guess how many words?Over 1700 wordsAvailable in English, Italian, French and German